Professional background:
1989 – 1995
Pure curiosity- yes, I can
Hardly any career is REALLY planned, or REALLY influenceable. First goal after HTL: the wide world. As a specialist on the road in Europe, America, China, Asia - got to know cultures, gained experience. Professional and personal development was the plan.
1996 – 2010
experience is everything -higher, faster, further
After 6 years with various tasks, activities and 60-hour weeks, the first career leap followed - manager. Others followed like picture books: global customer service management, product line management, project, program management. Technical responsibility for over 10,000 technicians worldwide. International responsibility. Any time available. On the road worldwide. Took up every challenge with fire and flame - disregarding your own limits. Always give everything - there is only one gas - full throttle - the result: burn-out - game over.
2011 – today
Real reboot- restart the engine
The consideration: A short breather and back on track? NO! Reorientation with the Master of Science in Mental Coaching at the University of Salzburg - great training, lots of food for thought - a new exciting path begins. Anyone who knows how borderline situations arise, develop and escalate can also take EFFECTIVE countermeasures. Empathy - for yourself and others. develop personalities. nurture talent. Activate teams. motivate organizations. certified. Scientific. Well-founded and tested in practice.

2011 – 2014: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Master of Science in Mental Coaching
2011 – 2014: Mentalcollege Bregenz, Diploma in Life and Social Counselling
2007 – 2008:Vienna University of Economics and Business, Master of Business Administration in Project and Process Management
2004 – 2005: Vienna University of Economics and Business, University course in International Project Management
1995 - 1996:Schindler International Academy,Young Potential Program – Fit for the Future
1987 – 1988:Austrian Armed Forces, One-year volunteer officer training
1982 – 1987:Higher Technical Federal School Vienna-I,Specialization in electrical engineering

empirical, scientific studies:
2016 - currently, Placek R. - Johannes Kepler University Linz
"Effects of mental interventions on mental health and their economic consequences"
(quantitative study)
2016, Brugger M. - Danube University Krems
"Effects of Mental Training on Wellbeing"
(qualitative study)
2014, Placek R. - University of Salzburg
"Mental fitness in everyday work"
The effect of cognitive restructuring on the professional experience and behavior pattern was examined using the example of the employees of the Vienna Palace of Justice
(quantitative study)

Qualifications, certificates:
2016:SEVEN - WBA, Gender Mainstream Certificate & Diversity Mainstream Certificate
2013:PERSON Academy, overtaxing yourself,Burnout & Co. - recognizing occupational stress patterns, promoting health
2009:Total Quality Award Schindler,Trainer Award for professional Coaching Schindler Career Development Program
2007:pma International Project Management Association,IPMA Level B Senior Project Manager certification
1999: university of cambridge,Certificate in English for International Business and Trade
1998:Total Quality Award Schindler,Innovative behavior and further development of the corporate culture
miscellaneous: Österreichischer Bergretter, Austrian state ski instructor, Austrian mountain bike guide