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The company is in the start-up process

rp² ressourcen potential optimierung
LESETEXT_Burnout-Prophylaxe - rechnet si
Summary of the study: Burnout prevention - is it worth it?

Johannes Kepler University Linz: Friedrich Schneider  and Elisabeth Dreer

in cooperation with pro mente oö and Robert Placek 

7 pages

LESETEXT_Burnout-Prophylaxe - rechnet si
Long version of the study: Burnout prevention - is it worth it?


Johannes Kepler University Linz: Friedrich Schneider  and Elisabeth Dreer

in cooperation with pro mente oö and Robert Placek 

46 pages

Mentale Fitness im beruflichen
Study: Mental fitness in everyday work (locked)

The effect of techniques of cognitive restructuring on the professional behavior and experience of employees of the Vienna Palace of Justice is examined.


Interfaculty for sports and movement science / USI

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Reviewer: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gunter Amesberger

Author: Ing. Robert Placek, MSc. MBA

rp²-Trainerblatt - Ing. Robert Placek, MSc. MBA Langversion
Trainer sheet - Respect your potential I Robert Placek


Vision, objectives, professional career, training, qualifications, empirical studies

4 pages

rp²-Lebenslauf - Ing. Robert Placek, MSc. MBA Langversion
CV - Robert Placek


Vision, objectives, professional career, training, qualifications, empirical studies

4 Pages

OÖ Krone Artikel Burn-out-Vorsorge hilf Firmen
Burnout prevention helps companies - Krone OÖ


Newspaper article in Krone OÖ about the five-year study with an interview with Robert Placek

1 page

Mein Weg aus dem Burnout - Seite1
My way out of burnout - Healthy&Fit


A life at the limit of the performance limit - to the point of complete exhaustion. Robert Placek himself
Burnout sufferer shares his experiences and reports on his way back into life.

1+2 page of 4

Mein Weg aus dem Burnout - Seite2
My way out of burnout - Healthy&Fit


A life at the limit of the performance limit - to the point of complete exhaustion. Robert Placek himself
Burnout sufferer shares his experiences and reports on his way back into life.

3+4 page of 4

20170601 Kurier-Artikel Erfolg 06-2017 B
High quality university course Mentalcoaching  - Courier


Training information for the MSc. in Mental Coaching 

1 page

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